PL - IOT Solution

UI/UX Case Study


  • User Research
  • UX Design
  • UI Design


  • 8 Months


  • Low & High Fidelity
  • HTML, CSS and Scripts


We offers a turn-key solution that simplifies remote tracking, monitoring, and management of vehicles and drivers by eliminating costly integrations and configurations. Our solution includes a robust fleet management application, managed network connectivity from Tier 1 cellular operators, and support for advanced vehicle tracking devices from leading manufacturers.



Vehicles generate a large amount of data, which must be stored, managed, and analyzed in order to extract value from it. This can be a challenge, particularly in terms of ensuring that the data is accurate, reliable, and secure. Security, Integration, Maintenance, Cost and regulation potential pain points that can arise when implementing an Internet of Things (IoT) system for vehicles.



PL - IOT provided the ideal application from which to transform critical in-house systems, workflows, and business processes. Where Bigmate relied on hard-coded business rules and technology interfaces, this application offered high-availability, extensible tracking features that were continually being refined and enhanced.


competitive Analysis

We conducted a competitive analysis to gain key insights into Security, Integration, Data management, Customer needs and emotional responses elicited by competitors design solutions. It aided in gaining valuable market insight and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their products.


Real-time tracking and the ability to access tracking data from any location. This can be challenging to implement due to the need for a reliable internet connection and the ability to store and transmit large amounts of data.

cost and complexity of installing and maintaining the tracking devices and infrastructure. These systems often require specialized equipment and technical expertise to set up and manage, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

privacy concerns related to the tracking of individuals or assets. It's important for the application to have clear and transparent policies in place to address these concerns and ensure that the tracking is being used ethically and responsibly.

frustration if the tracking system is unreliable or produces inaccurate data. Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the tracking system is critical to the success of the application.

Design Components

Mockup Designs